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Model Predictive Control in Electrical Machine Drives
(Editors: Jun Cai; Ying Yan)Soft Computing Applications of Civil Engineering including AI-based Optimization and Prediction
(Editors: Gebrail Bekdaş; Sinan Melih Nigdeli; Zong Woo Geem)Artificial Intelligence for 6G Wireless Networks
(Editors: Cheng-Chi Lee; Agbotiname Lucky Imoize; Mohsin Murtaza)Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling for Fire and Explosion Safety in Confined Structures
(Editors: Ciro Caliendo; Gianluca Genovese; Isidoro Russo)Intelligent Control and Machine Learning for Renewable Energy Systems and Industries
(Editors: Matilde Santos; Jess Enrique Sierra-Garca; Antonio Ruano; Mara Tomas Rodrguez)Advanced Image Segmentation and Object Detection: Innovations, Challenges, and Applications
(Editors: Guanqiu Qi; Zhiqin Zhu)Innovative Applications of Fractional Modeling and AI for Real-World Problems
(Editors: Mehmet Yavuz; Hardik Joshi)Computer Modeling for Future Communications and Networks
(Editors: Wenbing Zhao; Pan Wang)Selected Papers from the 26th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM2025)
(Editors: Marcin Kamiński; Wojciech Sumelka)Multiscale, Multifield, and Continuum-Discontinuum Analysis in Geomechanics
(Editors: Haitao Yu; Eva Binder; Qiushi Chen; Hui Wang; Xizhuo Chen)Machine Learning and Deep Learning-Based Pattern Recognition
(Editors: Jungpil Shin; Yong Seok Hwang)Diffusion Model and Large Language Models Based on Reinforcement Learning with Computer Vision
(Editors: Yi-Zeng Hsieh; De-Yuan Huang)Explainable AI for Predictive Maintenance and Optimization of Electric Machines within Industry 5.0
(Editors: Athanasios Karlis; Jose Antonino-Daviu)Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Methods Applied to Energy Systems
(Editors: Wei-Chiang Hong; Yi Liang)Advances in Fatigue Life Prediction and Reliability Assessment
(Editors: Yan Dong; Yordan Garbatov)Advances in Numerical Modeling of Composite Structures and Repairs
(Editors: Raul Duarte Salgueiral Gomes Campilho; Kouider Madani)Modeling and Applications of Bubble and Droplet in Engineering and Sciences
(Editors: Van-Tu Nguyen; Qingyun Zeng; Phuong Nguyen)Advances in Swarm Intelligence Algorithms
(Editors: Ying Tian; Gaige Wang)The Evolution of Cybersecurity and AI: Surveys and Tutorials
(Editors: Ilsun You; Gaurav Choudhary; Philip Virgil Astillo)Artificial Intelligence Models in Healthcare: Challenges, Methods, and Applications
(Editors: Antonio Sarasa-Cabezuelo; Ana M. Gonzlez de Miguel; Ulises Roman-Concha; Krishna Kumar Sharma)Advanced Computational Methods for the Design and Optimization of Building Structures
(Editors: Viktor Gribniak; Zdeněk Kala; Constantin E. Chalioris)Advances in Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting: Research and Applications
(Editors: Shiping Wen; Yao Chen)Recent Developments in Nonlocal Meshfree Particle Methods for Solids and Fluids
(Editors: Shaofan Li; Jiale Yan; Hailong Chen; Peng-Nan Sun)Frontiers in Computational Modeling and Simulation of Concrete
(Editors: S. M. Anas; Rayeh Nasr Al-Dala’ien; Mohammed Benzerara)Artificial Intelligence in Road Construction
(Editors: Ramadhansyah Putra Jaya; Reza Pahlevi Munirwan)Machine Learning Based Computational Mechanics
(Editors: Yue Mei; Qiang Chen; Liang Liang; Minliang Liu)Computational Design and Modeling of Advanced Composites and Structures
(Editors: Liang Wang; Yongxing Shen; Wenjie Xia; Zifeng Yuan)Recent Advances in Modeling and Simulation of Advanced Mechanical Manufacturing Processes
(Editors: J. Paulo Davim; Ankit D. Oza)Topology Optimization: Theory, Methods, and Engineering Applications
(Editors: Kai Long; Jiao Jia; Xuan Wang; Qinghai Zhao)Advances in Regularization Techniques for Deep Learning
(Editors: Dae-Ki Kang; Sukho Lee)Applications of Modelling and Simulation in Nanofluids
(Editors: Nehad Ali Shah; Dumitru Vieru)Advanced Data Analysis Techniques in Renewable Energy
(Editors: Fausto Pedro Garcia Marquez; Mayorkinos Papaelias; René Vinicio Sánchez Loja)Machine learning and Blockchain for AIoT: Robustness, Privacy, Trust and Security
(Editors: Jong Hyuk (James) Park; Yi Pan; Ji Su Park)Theoretical and Computational Modeling of Advanced Materials and Structures-II
(Editors: Francesco Tornabene; Rossana Dimitri)Advances in Mathematical Modeling: Numerical Approaches and Simulation for Computational Biology
(Editors: Faranak Rabiei; Dongwook Kim; Zeeshan Ali)Machine Learning-Assisted Structural Integrity Assessment and Design Optimization under Uncertainty
(Editors: Abilio M. P. de Jesus; Shun-Peng Zhu; Debiao Meng)Next-Gen Computational Tools for Resilient and Sustainable Geotechnical Systems
(Editors: Manoj Khandelwal; Haleh Rasekh; Panagiotis G. Asteris; T.N. Singh)Leveraging AI and ML for QoS Improvement in Intelligent Programmable Networks
(Editors: Jehad Ali; Khalil Khan)Analytical and Numerical Solution of the Fractional Differential Equation
(Editors: Ndolane Sene; Ameth Ndiaye)Algorithms, Models, and Applications of Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making
(Editors: Dragan Pamucar; Samayan Narayanamoorthy; Daekook Kang)Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH): Research and Applications to Science and Engineering
(Editors: Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti; Fidel Cruz Peregrino; Jaime Klapp)Meshless Methods and Its Applications in Porous Media Problems
(Editors: Eldho T.I.; Tinesh Pathania; Aatish Anshuman; Sanjukta Das)Recent Advances in Signal Processing and Computer Vision
(Editors: Bo Yang; Chao Liu)Computational Methods in Mono/hybrid nanofluids: Innovative Applications and Future Trends
(Editors: Samad Noeiaghdam; Saeed Dinarvand; Unai Fernandez-Gamiz)Data-driven Additive Manufacturing: Methodology, Fabrication, and Applications
(Editors: Nguyen Xuan Hung; Lei Chen; Jonathan Tran; Zhuo Wang)Computer Modeling in Vehicle Aerodynamics
(Editors: Tian Li; Tiantian Wang; Zhenxu Sun; Zhengwei Chen)Multi-Aspect Modelling in Rock Blasting
(Editors: José A. Sanchidrián; Santiago Gómez; Pablo Segarra)Engineering Applications of Discrete Optimization and Scheduling Algorithms
(Editors: Frank Werner; Mohammad Shokouhifar)Innovative Computational Models for Smart Cities
(Editors: Luis Hernández-Callejo; Pedro Moreno-Bernal; Sergio Nesmachnow)Computer Modeling of Fluid Seepage in Porous Media with Ultra-low Permeabilities
(Editors: Boyun Guo; Yin Feng)AI and Optimization in Material and Structural Engineering: Emerging Trends and Applications
(Editors: Sawekchai Tangaramvong; Quang-Viet Vu)Multiscale Computational Modeling and Simulations in Polymers
(Editors: Xiaowei Zeng; Xianqiao Wang; Jiaoyan Li; Ning Liu)Advances in Computational Fracture Mechanics: Theories, Techniques, and Applications
(Editors: Nhon Nguyen-Thanh; Weidong Li)Time Series and Computer Vision-Based Anomalies Detection
(Editors: Mustafa Demetgül; Haluk Küçük)Mathematical Theory and Simulation Algorithms for Inverse Problems
(Editors: Chih-Wen Chang; Ming-Fong Tsai)Innovative Computational Methods and Applications of Nanofluids in Engineering
(Editors: Najiyah Safwa Binti Khashi'ie; Nurul Amira binti Zainal; Nur Syahirah Binti Wahid)Environment Modeling for Applications of Mobile Robots
(Editors: Luis Payá Castelló; Oscar Reinoso García)Incomplete Data Test, Analysis and Fusion Under Complex Environments
(Editors: Hang Geng; Lianmeng Jiao; Kai Chen; Weibo Liu)Peridynamic Theory and Multi-physical/Multiscale Methods for Complex Material Behavior
(Editors: Lisheng Liu; Dan Huang; Hailong Chen; Yile Hu; Xin Lai)Recent Advances on Smart MEE Composites: Testing, Modeling and Simulation
(Editors: Ernian Pan; Chao Zhang; Hsin-Yi Kuo)Intelligent Medical Decision Support Systems: Methods and Applications
(Editors: Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque; Roberto Munoz; María de los Ángeles Quezada)Numerical Simulation and Experimental Characterization of Metal Additive Manufacturing
(Editors: Wu-Gui Jiang; Lv Zhao; Juan Guillermo Santos Macías)Advances in AI-Driven Computational Modeling for Image Processing
(Editors: Sathishkumar V E; R. Karthik)Emerging Technologies in Information Security
(Editors: Jawad Ahmad; Mujeeb Ur Rehman; Wadii Boulila)Multiscale Modeling, Simulation, and Design for Advanced Materials
(Editors: Shaoping Xiao; Stéphane P. A. Bordas; Tae Yeon Kim)Applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Prognostics and Health Management
(Editors: David He; Yongzhi Qu; Miao He)Applied Artificial Intelligence: Advanced Solutions for Engineering Real-World Challenges
(Editors: Siamak TalatAhari; Amin Beheshti)Recent Developments on Computational Biology-II
(Editors: Carlo Cattani; Haci Mehmet Baskonus; Armando Ciancio)Integration of Physical Simulation and Machine Learning in Digital Twin and Virtual Reality
(Editors: Haojie Lian; Linwei He; Peng Yu; Elena Atroshchenko)Advanced Structural Optimization Methods and their Applications in Designing Metamaterials
(Editors: Mi Xiao; Yingjun Wang; Hang Xu; Wei Sha)Scientific Computing and Its Application to Engineering Problems
(Editors: Higinio Ramos; Chandru Muthusamy)Emerging Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Applications
(Editors: Wenfeng Zheng; Chao Liu; Lirong Yin)