Submission Deadline: 15 June 2021 (closed) View: 185
Plate, shell and panel are basic structures used in engineering and industry. These structures play an important role as main supporting component in all kind of structure in machinery, civil engineering, ship building, flight vehicle manufacturing, etc. Composite materials and structures are widely used in aerospace, marine, automobile industries due to their designable characteristic, lightweight advantageous, high specific strength and stiffness. Common configurations include laminated materials, hybrid layered materials, sandwich core materials and structures (foam, honeycomb, corrugated and lattice cores, etc). How to establish an accurate analytical and numerical model is one of the most important subjects in composite materials and structures. The topics discussed in this special issue include aspects of core-face bonding and reinforcement, enhancement of core mechanical properties and panel performance (including the role of structural hierarchy), and multifunctional advantages offered by different core constructions. In addition, the special issue discusses potential applications, including in morphing wing design, impact resistance and ultralightweight applications. Future research directions are discussed. Topics of interest for this Special Issue include, but are not limited to:
•Mechanics of composite laminated materials
•Mechanics of hybrid layered materials
•Mechanics of composite sandwich structures
•Mechanics of lightweight structures
•Multifunctional composite materials and structures
•Impact behavior of new type lightweight materials