Submission Deadline: 30 November 2019 (closed) View: 226
Natural disasters including earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, flood and wildfire, cause enormous loss of lives and properties for human society every year. The structures and infra-structures are built to protect the mankind from natural disasters, but their damage and failure sometimes become part of the disasters. Therefore, the structural safety and disaster mitigation have become timely research topics for safeguarding our society. On the other hand, with the rapid developments of computer facilities and computational methods, modern researchers and engineers are well equipped. With the help of numerical modelling and simulation tools, the structures could be analyzed with the consideration of more realistic situations and designed in more reliable approaches. Furthermore, more and more innovative numerical methods are developed to meet the demands of better investigation and understanding for the nonlinear behaviors of structures subjected to the attacks of disasters. Those who have been working on in the related fields are cordially invited to submit their works to this special issue.
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
1. Numerical modeling methods for structures
2. Advanced simulation methods for structural failure
3. Constitutive modeling of material damage and failure
4. Simulation of complex structural behaviors subjected to attacks of disaster events
5. Multiscale disaster simulation
6. Multi-hazard simulation
7. Numerical algorithm implementation and simulation software development
8. Structural reliability analysis and simulation
9. Data-driven modeling for structural behaviors
10. AI-based methods for disaster mitigation