Special Issues
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Recent Advances in Design and Manufacturing of Lightweight Composite Structures: Characterization, Modeling and Optimization

Submission Deadline: 30 September 2025 View: 349 Submit to Special Issue

Guest Editors

A. Prof. Leong Hien Poh

Email: ceeplh@nus.edu.sg

Affiliation: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore


Research Interests: Damage and fracture, Multiscale modeling


Prof. Jie Zhi

Email: zhi_jie@tongji.edu.cn

Affiliation: School of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Tongji University


Research Interests: Damage and fracture, Multiscale modeling, Composites


Dr. Qixun Li

Email: liqixun@visitor.nus.edu.sg

Affiliation: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore

Research Interests: Dynamic Failure, Data-driven structural design


Prof. Yifeng Zhong

Email: zhongyf@cqu.edu.cn

Affiliation: School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University


Research Interests: Composite structures, Multiscale modeling, metamaterials, cellular structures, sandwich structures



Lightweight composite structures are increasingly applied in various industries, such as aerospace and automotive, where the pursuit of fuel efficiency and enhanced performance is critical. The ongoing demand for lighter and stronger solutions drives the need for innovative design and manufacturing techniques to further broaden their applications.

For laminated and sandwich composite structures, recent progress has been made in novel configurations (lay-up, honeycomb core, etc.) and material innovations. In addition to empirical and theoretical knowledge, biomimetic designs contribute to these advancements, offering new pathways for optimizing structural efficiency. On the other hand, the advent of additive manufacturing provides unprecedented design freedom, enabling the creation of intricate and highly optimized structures. This special issue aims to gather cutting-edge research on the characterization and optimization of composite materials and structures with these new developments. We invite contributions that explore advanced computational methods and data-driven approaches for multi-scale and multi-physics modeling, topology optimization, defect modeling and control, progressive failure analysis, etc. Topics include but are not limited to:

· Novel designs of composite structures with improved performance

· Bio-inspired composites and structures

· Multiscale and/or Multiphysics analysis of composite structures

· Rapid prototyping of composite structures

· Data-driven design and analysis at the micro / meso / engineering scales

· Topology optimization for targeted performance


Fiber-reinforced composites; Bio-inspired composites and structures; 3D printing; Machine learning; Multiscale and Multiphysics; Topology Optimization

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