Special Issues
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Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications

Submission Deadline: 30 April 2022 (closed) View: 326

Guest Editors

Prof. Haojie Lian, Taiyuan University of Technology, China
Dr. Chensen Ding, University of Exeter, UK
Prof. Stéphane P.A. Bordas, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg


The isogeometric boundary element method refers to the numerical simulation technique that employs the basis functions used for building Computer-Aided Design (CAD) models to discretize Boundary Integral Equations in Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE). The isogeometric boundary element method is based on boundary-representation like CAD, and thus it can immediately utilize the surface data of CAD models without volume parameterization. As such, the isogeometric boundary element method achieves closer integration of CAD and CAE compared to the isogeometric analysis in the context of the finite element method. Additionally, the isogeometric boundary element method inherits the advantages of conventional boundary element methods in infinite domain, moving boundary problems, etc. Since its inception, the isogeometric boundary element method has drawn extensive attention and exhibits its potential in computational mechanics. However, many issues remain unresolved in both method development and engineering applications. Therefore, we initiate this special issue on the recent developments, challenges and opportunities of the isogeometric boundary element method and its potential applications in different areas.


Topics of interest include but are not restricted to:

1. Novel CAD modeling techniques in isogeometric boundary element methods.

2. Advanced engineering applications using isogeometric boundary element methods.

3. Structural optimization and stochastic analysis with isogeometric boundary element methods.

4. Accelerating techniques for medium and large scale problems.

5. Coupling finite element and boundary element methods in the isogeometric analysis framework.

6. Complex geometries and industrial applications.

7. Error estimation and self-adaptive refinement in isogeometric boundary element methods.

8. Combination of isogeometric boundary element methods with machine learning techniques.

9. The isogeometric analysis combined with other types of dimensionality reduction methods.


Isogeometric analysis, Boundary element method, CAE, CAD, Dimensionality reduction

Published Papers

  • Open Access


    Panel Acoustic Contribution Analysis in Automotive Acoustics Using Discontinuous Isogeometric Boundary Element Method

    Yi Sun, Chihua Lu, Zhien Liu, Menglei Sun, Hao Chen
    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.135, No.3, pp. 2307-2330, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.025313
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications)
    Abstract In automotive industries, panel acoustic contribution analysis (PACA) is used to investigate the contributions of the body panels to the acoustic pressure at a certain point of interest. Currently, PACA is implemented mostly by either experiment-based methods or traditional numerical methods. However, these schemes are effort-consuming and inefficient in solving engineering problems, thereby restraining the further development of PACA in automotive acoustics. In this work, we propose a PACA scheme using discontinuous isogeometric boundary element method (IGABEM) to build an easily implementable and efficient method to identify the relative acoustic contributions of each automotive body… More >

  • Open Access


    Explicit Isogeometric Topology Optimization Method with Suitably Graded Truncated Hierarchical B-Spline

    Haoran Zhu, Xinhao Gao, Aodi Yang, Shuting Wang, Xianda Xie, Tifan Xiong
    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.135, No.2, pp. 1435-1456, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2022.023454
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications)
    Abstract This work puts forward an explicit isogeometric topology optimization (ITO) method using moving morphable components (MMC), which takes the suitably graded truncated hierarchical B-Spline based isogeometric analysis as the solver of physical unknown (SGTHB-ITO-MMC). By applying properly basis graded constraints to the hierarchical mesh of truncated hierarchical B-splines (THB), the convergence and robustness of the SGTHB-ITOMMC are simultaneously improved and the tiny holes occurred in optimized structure are eliminated, due to the improved accuracy around the explicit structural boundaries. Moreover, an efficient computational method is developed for the topological description functions (TDF) of MMC under More >

    Graphic Abstract

    Explicit Isogeometric Topology Optimization Method with Suitably Graded Truncated Hierarchical B-Spline

  • Open Access


    An Isogeometric Cloth Simulation Based on Fast Projection Method

    Xuan Peng, Chao Zheng
    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.134, No.3, pp. 1837-1853, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2022.022367
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications)
    Abstract A novel continuum-based fast projection scheme is proposed for cloth simulation. Cloth geometry is described by NURBS, and the dynamic response is modeled by a displacement-only Kirchhoff-Love shell element formulated directly on NURBS geometry. The fast projection method, which solves strain limiting as a constrained Lagrange problem, is extended to the continuum version. Numerical examples are studied to demonstrate the performance of the current scheme. The proposed approach can be applied to grids of arbitrary topology and can eliminate unrealistic over-stretching efficiently if compared to spring-based methodologies. More >

  • Open Access


    Topology Optimization of Sound-Absorbing Materials for Two-Dimensional Acoustic Problems Using Isogeometric Boundary Element Method

    Jintao Liu, Juan Zhao, Xiaowei Shen
    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.134, No.2, pp. 981-1003, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2022.021641
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications)
    Abstract In this work, an acoustic topology optimization method for structural surface design covered by porous materials is proposed. The analysis of acoustic problems is performed using the isogeometric boundary element method. Taking the element density of porous materials as the design variable, the volume of porous materials as the constraint, and the minimum sound pressure or maximum scattered sound power as the design goal, the topology optimization is carried out by solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) method. To get a limpid 0–1 distribution, a smoothing Heaviside-like function is proposed. To obtain the gradient value More >

  • Open Access


    Optimization Analysis of the Mixing Chamber and Diffuser of Ejector Based on Fano Flow Model

    Lixing Zheng, Weibo Wang, Yiyan Zhang, Lingmei Wang, Wei Lu
    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.133, No.1, pp. 153-170, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2022.021235
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications)
    Abstract An improved model to calculate the length of the mixing chamber of the ejector was proposed on the basis of the Fano flow model, and a method to optimize the structures of the mixing chamber and diffuser of the ejector was put forward. The accuracy of the model was verified by comparing the theoretical results calculated using the model to experimental data reported in literature. Variations in the length of the mixing chamber Lm and length of the diffuser Ld with respect to variations in the outlet temperature of the ejector Tc, outlet pressure of the ejector… More >

  • Open Access


    Isogeometric Boundary Element Method for Two-Dimensional Steady-State Non-Homogeneous Heat Conduction Problem

    Yongsong Li, Xiaomeng Yin, Yanming Xu
    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.132, No.2, pp. 471-488, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2022.020201
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications)
    Abstract The isogeometric boundary element technique (IGABEM) is presented in this study for steady-state inhomogeneous heat conduction analysis. The physical unknowns in the boundary integral formulations of the governing equations are discretized using non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) basis functions, which are utilized to build the geometry of the structures. To speed up the assessment of NURBS basis functions, the B´ezier extraction approach is used. To solve the extra domain integrals, we use a radial integration approach. The numerical examples show the potential of IGABEM for dimension reduction and smooth integration of CAD and numerical analysis. More >

  • Open Access


    A Cell-Based Linear Smoothed Finite Element Method for Polygonal Topology Optimization

    Changkye Lee, Sundararajan Natarajan, Seong-Hoon Kee, Jurng-Jae Yee
    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.131, No.3, pp. 1615-1634, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2022.020377
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications)
    Abstract The aim of this work is to employ a modified cell-based smoothed finite element method (S-FEM) for topology optimization with the domain discretized with arbitrary polygons. In the present work, the linear polynomial basis function is used as the weight function instead of the constant weight function used in the standard S-FEM. This improves the accuracy and yields an optimal convergence rate. The gradients are smoothed over each smoothing domain, then used to compute the stiffness matrix. Within the proposed scheme, an optimum topology procedure is conducted over the smoothing domains. Structural materials are distributed More >

  • Open Access


    Isogeometric Analysis with Local Adaptivity for Vibration of Kirchhoff Plate

    Peng Yu, Weijing Yun, Junlei Tang, Sheng He
    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.131, No.2, pp. 949-978, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2022.018596
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications)
    Abstract Based on our proposed adaptivity strategy for the vibration of Reissner–Mindlin plate, we develop it to apply for the vibration of Kirchhoff plate. The adaptive algorithm is based on the Geometry-Independent Field approximaTion (GIFT), generalized from Iso-Geometric Analysis (IGA), and it can characterize the geometry of the structure with NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines), and independently apply PHT-splines (Polynomial splines over Hierarchical T-meshes) to achieve local refinement in the solution field. The MAC (Modal Assurance Criterion) is improved to locate unique, as well as multiple, modal correspondence between different meshes, in order to deal with error More >

  • Open Access


    Noise Pollution Reduction through a Novel Optimization Procedure in Passive Control Methods

    Haojie Lian, Leilei Chen, Xiao Lin, Wenchang Zhao, Stephane P. A. Bordas, Mingdong Zhou
    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.131, No.1, pp. 1-18, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2022.019705
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications)
    Abstract This paper proposes a novel optimization framework in passive control techniques to reduce noise pollution. The geometries of the structures are represented by Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces, which are able to build gap-free Computer-Aided Design models and meanwhile tackle the extraordinary points that are commonly encountered in geometric modelling. The acoustic fields are simulated using the isogeometric boundary element method, and a density-based topology optimization is conducted to optimize distribution of sound-absorbing materials adhered to structural surfaces. The approach enables one to perform acoustic optimization from Computer-Aided Design models directly without needing meshing and volume parameterization, More >

  • Open Access


    Numerical Aspects of Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods: (Nearly) Singular Quadrature, Trimmed NURBS and Surface Crack Modeling

    Xuan Peng, Haojie Lian
    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.130, No.1, pp. 513-542, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2022.017410
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications)
    Abstract This work presents some numerical aspects of isogeometric boundary element methods (IGABEM). The behavior of hyper-singular and nearly-singular integration is first explored on the distorted NURBS surface. Several numerical treatments are proposed to enhance the quadrature in the framework of isogeometric analysis. Then a numerical implementation of IGABEM on the trimmed NURBS is detailed. Based on this idea, the surface crack problem is modeled incorporation with the phantom element method. The proposed method allows the crack to intersect with the boundary of the body while preserving the original parametrization of the NURBS-based CAD geometry. More >

  • Open Access


    Subdivision Surface-Based Isogeometric Boundary Element Method for Steady Heat Conduction Problems with Variable Coefficient

    Xiuyun Chen, Xiaomeng Yin, Kunpeng Li, Ruhui Cheng, Yanming Xu, Wei Zhang
    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.129, No.1, pp. 323-339, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2021.016794
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications)
    Abstract The present work couples isogeometric analysis (IGA) and boundary element methods (BEM) for three dimensional steady heat conduction problems with variable coefficients. The Computer-Aided Design (CAD) geometries are built by subdivision surfaces, and meantime the basis functions of subdivision surfaces are employed to discretize the boundary integral equations for heat conduction analysis. Moreover, the radial integration method is adopted to transform the additional domain integrals caused by variable coefficients to the boundary integrals. Several numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the correctness and advantages of the proposed algorithm in the integration of CAD and numerical More >

  • Open Access


    Monte Carlo Simulation of Fractures Using Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods Based on POD-RBF

    Haojie Lian, Zhongwang Wang, Haowen Hu, Shengze Li, Xuan Peng, Leilei Chen
    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.128, No.1, pp. 1-20, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2021.016775
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advance of the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and its Applications)
    Abstract This paper presents a novel framework for stochastic analysis of linear elastic fracture problems. Monte Carlo simulation (MCs) is adopted to address the multi-dimensional uncertainties, whose computation cost is reduced by combination of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and the Radial Basis Function (RBF). In order to avoid re-meshing and retain the geometric exactness, isogeometric boundary element method (IGABEM) is employed for simulation, in which the Non-Uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS) are employed for representing the crack surfaces and discretizing dual boundary integral equations. The stress intensity factors (SIFs) are extracted by M integral method. The numerical examples More >

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