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Advanced Data Analysis Techniques in Renewable Energy

Submission Deadline: 31 July 2025 View: 80 Submit to Special Issue

Guest Editors

Prof. Fausto Pedro Garcia Marquez

Email: faustopedro.garcia@uclm.es

Affiliation: Ingenium Research Group, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Homepage: www.uclm.es 

Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Maintenance, Management, Renewable Energy, Transport, Advanced Analytics, and Data Science


Prof. Mayorkinos Papaelias

Email: m.papaelias@bham.ac.uka

Affiliation: Birmingham University

Homepage: www.bham.ac.uk

Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Maintenance, Management, Renewable Energy, Transport, Advanced Analytics, and Data Science


Prof. René Vinicio Sánchez Loja

Email: rsanchezl@ups.edu.ec

Affiliation: Universidad Polotécnica Salesiana, Ecuador


Research Interests: Renewable energy, analytics, project management, condition-based maintenance, engineering education, and Industry 4.0



Advanced data analysis techniques in renewable energy refers to the use of sophisticated data analysis techniques to derive actionable knowledge and insights from large and complex datasets in the renewable energy sector. By leveraging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), big data, and predictive analytics, organizations can optimize the performance, efficiency, and integration of renewable energy systems.

Here is a breakdown of how advanced analytics is applied in renewable energy:

1. Performance Optimization

· Wind Turbines: Sensors on systems collect data. Advanced analytics helps optimize the system production.

2.  Engineering and Forecasting

· Analytics algorithms can monitor equipment health and predict when components are likely to fail. This reduces downtime and lowers maintenance costs by enabling proactive repairs before a breakdown occurs.

3. System Integration and Management

· Load Forecasting: Machine learning models analyze historical demand and patterns to predict future consumption. This helps grid operators balance supply from sources with demand.

· Demand Response: Advanced analytics enables smart systems to respond to fluctuations in demand by automatically adjusting energy output from system sources.

4. Engineering on Trading and Market Forecasting

· Data analytics helps traders and producers optimize when to sell or store based on real-time market conditions, price predictions, and forecasts of production.

5. Environmental and Financial Impact Assessment

· Advanced analytics can model and predict the long-term environmental benefits (like reduced carbon emissions) and financial returns of renewable energy investments, aiding decision-making for investors and policymakers.

6. Distributed Resources (DER) Management

· For decentralized systems, advanced analytics enables real-time monitoring and control, ensuring efficient use of distributed resources.

In summary, Advanced Analytics Insights are vital in making systems more efficient, cost-effective, reliable, and sustainable by providing deeper data-driven decision-making capabilities across all facets of the lifecycle.


System Forecasting, Engineering Data Analytics, Smart Systems, Machine Learning in Engineering Management, Predictive Maintenance, Engineering Optimization, Consumption Patterns, Real-time Monitoring, Wind Power Analytics, System Efficiency, Big Data, Storage Analytics, Load Forecasting, Grid Optimization, Market Analysis, AI in Engineering Management, System Modelling, Demand Response Analytics, Decentralized Systems

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