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Blockchain in Various Industries in the Era of the Internet of Things

Submission Deadline: 30 December 2023 (closed) View: 59

Guest Editors

Dr. Zhihan Lv, Uppsala University, Sweden
Prof. Jaime Lloret, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Prof. Houbing Song, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), USA


A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation continues to deepen, and the Digital Economy has become a new impetus for economic growth and social development. Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) solves many problems in productivity, while Blockchain Technology (BCT) offers new solutions for production relations. The BCT’s openness, transparency, consensus mechanism, and tamper-proof feature guarantee the security of the proliferating IoT-native devices. Meanwhile, the BCT-based smart contract protects data privacy. These security and privacy issues are the center of a healthy and sustainable IoT environment and provide reliable platforms for applying IoT devices and applications. In recent years, with the exponential growth of online devices, BCT-secured Digital Asset Management (DAM) has developed rapidly, and the market scale has been expanding. Thanks to the BCT’s decentralized storage, tamper-proofs, information encryption, and data rights and interests authentication, the third-generation Internet: Web3.0, is born. Based on BCT, Web3.0 can provide a common state layer to manage a group of unique states of the whole network. In addition, it solves the hidden trouble of Client-Server (C/S) data structure.


The Capital Market places such high hopes on Web 3.0 because BCT has fundamentally reshaped the traditional business and Internet financing models. The main application scope of BCT includes digital currency, transaction settlement of financial assets, digital government, certificate storage, and anti-counterfeiting data services. In the financial field, BCT can provide a trust mechanism and potentially change the financial infrastructure. All financial assets, such as equity, bonds, bills, warehouse receipts, and fund shares, can be integrated into the BCT system as digital assets. Then, they are stored, transferred, or traded on the Blockchain. In the information security field, relying on its traceable and tamper-proof features, Blockchain can ensure the authenticity of data sources and the data’s unforgeability. BCT will dramatically change the security of the information transmission path. In the field of the IoT, BCT+IoT can enable online devices to operate independently and safeguard information security over the network through smart contracts.


In a sense, Web 3.0 is the inevitable result of the maturity of BCT and is the aggregation of a series of Blockchain landing and applications. BCT is continuously evolving, and its application in various industries is maturing. Most prominently, BCT features valuable, unique, decentralized, and irreplaceable characteristics. Therefore, BCT will benefit many industries and fields in the future. This special issue aims to solicit contributions from scholars in the research direction of BCT and collect the application and technological innovation of BCT in different industries. Topics applicable to this special issue include but are not limited to:         


• Application of Blockchain Technology in the Financial Industry in the Web3.0 stage of the Internet of Things era

• Blockchain Tamper-proof Financial Transaction Clearing and Settlement based on Web3.0 in the Internet of Things

• The Application of Blockchain-Distributed Energy Management in the Internet of Things Industry

• Internet of Things-oriented Security Risk Control in the Blockchain-encrypted Web3.0

• Blockchain technology-based Data maintenance and Full Backup of Medical Internet of Things driven by Web 3.0

• Permanent Record of Product Information based on Blockchain-secured Web3.0 in the Internet of Things Logistics Industry

• Guaranteeing Network Security and Credibility under ‘Blockchain + Internet of Things

• The Application of Web3.0 Blockchain Technology in the Internet of Things-based Stock Security, Automatic, and Networked Trading

• The Construction of Crowdsourcing Cloud Storage Space based on Web3.0-driven Blockchain Technology in the Internet of Things

• The Application of Blockchain Technology in Welfare Relief Distribution and Government Management

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