Special Issues
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Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH): Research and Applications to Science and Engineering

Submission Deadline: 01 July 2025 View: 1045 Submit to Special Issue

Guest Editors

Prof. Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti, Autonomous Metropolitan University, Mexico
Assoc. Prof. Fidel Cruz Peregrino, Autonomous Metropolitan University, Mexico
Dr. Jaime Klapp, National Institute of Nuclear Research (ININ), Mexico


Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a fully Lagrangian meshless method that was originally introduced in the open literature in 1977 as a numerical tool for the simulation of astrophysical flows. Since then, SPH has been used in many areas of astrophysics and cosmology as well as in a broad range of areas related to fluid and solid mechanics due to its simplicity and ease of implementation. Along with its extensive applications in science and engineering, there has been significant progress over the years to consolidate its theoretical foundations. Owing to the exponentially increasing number of scientific and engineering articles that have been published on the subject of SPH, the numerous SPH simulation codes that are widely used in so many different areas, and the highly optimized open-source codes available, such as DualSPHysics. SPH is actually not too far from being implemented in commercial software for use in the solution of engineering problems especially because through its programming on GPUs the processing time can be efficiently reduced, and very high resolution calculations can be performed.  The main purpose of this Special Issue is to highlight the use of SPH to science and engineering applications in the fields of fluid and solid mechanics and open a window to show how SPH can compete with and even outperform more established and conventional numerical techniques.


Numerical methods
Particle methods
Interpolating functions
Fluid mechanics
Solid mechanics
Computational fluid dynamics
Conservation laws

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