Special Issues
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Recent Advances on Smart MEE Composites: Testing, Modeling and Simulation

Submission Deadline: 01 May 2025 View: 191 Submit to Special Issue

Guest Editors

Prof. Ernian Pan, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Prof. Chao Zhang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Prof. Hsin-Yi Kuo, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan


Smart magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) materials receive broad attention owing to their specialized and coupled behavior under thermal, electric, magnetic and mechanical loading conditions. MEE is also increasingly used in various engineering fields, especially for sensors and actuators, energy harvesting, where the coupling among different fields provides great potentials for better design of smart structures. Multi-physical analysis, including small-scale characterization, testing, and modeling methods, are in demand to unveil the intrinsic coupled behaviors and multiphase characters in smart MEE composites and structures, with the purpose of facilitating their further applications. This special issue aims at collecting the latest developments and new insights in experimental and numerical modeling of smart MEE composites. Submissions are encouraged in, but not limited to the following topics:


• Advanced theory or method for multi-field coupled simulation

• New or improved numerical methods

• Advances in experimental characterizations

• Micromechanics and micromechanical analyses

• Structural analysis of MEE structures

• Effects of crack and fracture analysis

• Effects of interface on behavior of MEE structures

• Applications of MEE materials and structures


magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) material, simulation, numerical method, experimental characterization, structural analysis, crack, interface, application

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