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Fairness-Aware Harvested Energy Efficiency Algorithm for IRS-Aided Intelligent Sensor Networks with SWIPT

Yingying Chen1, Weiqiang Tan2, Shidang Li3,*

1 School of Geography, Geomatics and Planning, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, 221116, China
2 School of Computer Science and Cyber Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, 510006, China
3 School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, 221116, China

* Corresponding Author: Shidang Li. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advances in Backscatter and Intelligent Reflecting Surface Communications for 6G-enabled Internet of Things Networks)

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2023, 137(3), 2675-2691.


In this paper, a novel fairness-aware harvested energy efficiency-based green transmission scheme for wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) aided sensor networks is developed for active beamforming of multiantenna transmitter and passive beamforming at intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS). By optimizing the active beamformer assignment at the transmitter in conjunction with the passive beamformer assignment at the IRS, we aim to maximize the minimum harvested energy efficiency among all the energy receivers (ER) where information receivers (IR) are bound to the signal-interference-noise-ratio (SINR) and the maximum transmitted power of the transmitter. To handle the non-convex problem, both semi-definite relaxation (SDR) and block coordinate descent technologies are exploited. Then, the original problem is transformed into two convex sub-problems which can be solved via semidefinite programming. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that the IRS and energy beamformer settings in this paper provide greater system gain than the traditional experimental setting, thereby improving the fairness-aware harvested energy efficiency of the ER.


SWIPT; intelligent reflecting surfaces; fairness-aware harvested energy efficiency; semi-definite relaxation

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APA Style
Chen, Y., Tan, W., Li, S. (2023). Fairness-aware harvested energy efficiency algorithm for irs-aided intelligent sensor networks with SWIPT. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 137(3), 2675–2691.
Vancouver Style
Chen Y, Tan W, Li S. Fairness-aware harvested energy efficiency algorithm for irs-aided intelligent sensor networks with SWIPT. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2023;137(3):2675–2691.
IEEE Style
Y. Chen, W. Tan, and S. Li, “Fairness-Aware Harvested Energy Efficiency Algorithm for IRS-Aided Intelligent Sensor Networks with SWIPT,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 137, no. 3, pp. 2675–2691, 2023.

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