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CMES 2023 Young Researcher Award

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences

ISSN: 1526-1492 (Print)

ISSN: 1526-1506 (Online)

CMES 2023 Young Researcher Award

CMES 2023 Young Researcher Award will be presented to the authors who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in the field of computer modeling and simulation.


Eligibility Requirements:

• Candidates for the award must be within 10 years of receiving their PhDs and have published their research in the Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (CMES) journal in 2023;

• Three awards will be given for papers published in the Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences between January 1st, 2023 to December 31st, 2023.

• Candidates must be nominated by senior scientists.


• Authors who meet the requirements are encouraged to apply.

• Authors will be evaluated by the Award Committee, which consists of 3-4 editorial advisory board members, in conjunction with the Editor- and Co-Editors-in-Chief, who oversee the process.

• Three winners will be elected based on the grades assigned by the expert reviewers and editors. 


• The winners of the Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences Young Researcher Award will be granted a cash prize of $500 USD each;

• The winners will receive a Certificate for the award;


The criteria for Young Researchers will be within 10 years of receiving their PhD, not including career breaks. *


The winners will be announced on the journal website in 2024.


*exclude career breaks such as maternity leave, paternity leave, or elder care.

+The winner is responsible for all international, federal, state, or local taxes due on the money award. By accepting the award, the winner agrees to comply with all tax reporting in accordance with applicable international, federal, state, and local laws.


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